Being the author of a book about organisational purpose, and its impact of benefit to business I am proud to share today, WellMed.NZ Purpose is
as follows!
Why Partner with WellMed.NZ Limited?
WellMed’s Purpose
Using credibility, creativity, and competence to forge a seamless link between New Zealanders and the best medicines in the world.
We have been working closely with Pharmac for the past 20 years. We understand and are aligned with their stated goal of improving the health of New Zealanders. We use this unequaled knowledge and trust to help forge a mutually beneficial partnership for both you and Pharmac.
With our understanding of the needs of both parties, WellMed has unique insights, vision, and the financial acumen to bring proposals to life. We ensure the benefits and impact of funding new medicines are clear to Pharmac while bringing to life the financial benefits for the pharmaceutical industry.
Becoming a WellMed partner allows you to achieve your goals while supporting Pharmac to achieve theirs. This goes beyond a single binary transaction and creates a true partnership that is beneficial for all.
Working together with WellMed, and Pharmac we can improve the lives of New Zealanders.
Aligning on this goal brings us together as one team, working to meet the needs of all parties.
Together we can achieve mutual success.

Nicholas Leach
CEO WellMed.NZ